7 Websites To Write Articles And Earn Revenue

Writing online has its many advantages, and earning revenue, putting a little extra cash in the pocket, being compensated monetarily for your effort is a benefit that many look for. The good news is that the floodgates are open, and anyone can write and earn money online. This means that you don't have to be a professional blogger or author at all. These websites that make it possible to earn money by writing, desire authors who will bring quality and quantity of content. This infers that spammers are not welcome at all, as they are like parasites who offer nothing valuable to their host.
Every writer who wants to earn online should have payment accounts which includes at least:

The following seven (7) websites in alphabetical order are great places to begin earning that extra revenue that you desire.
Ehow is a place of how-to articles, guides and videos. In order to earn revenue, you need to have a paypal account as well as an American social security number. There is no range for being paid for an article on ehow, as It is based on how helpful a particular article is to readers i.e. revenue is based on ratings from readers.
Helium writers can earn through: advertisement revenue share, upfront payments, rating bonus, Marketplace, stock content and contests. One thing to bear in mind when writing for Helium is that your earning potential is directly related to your activity and the ratings that you receive. This means that you have to keep writing to make sure you retain the avenue for earning. The minimum payout threshold is $25.
Hubpages gives the agreement that a Hubber's google adsense id will be displayed for 60% of ad impressions on each page (including Hubs and Profile page), with Hubpages' id(s) displayed for the other 40%. Kontera ads are another option for a Hubber to earn revenue as well as through the affiliate programs of ebay and amazon. A hubber who refers a new hubber will also have his/her adsense id displayed for 10% of the ad impressions from google on that new hubber's hubs.
InfoBarrel welcomes writers who will contribute How-To Guides, Do It Yourself Articles and other helpful articles all of which are uniquely termed as Barrels. InfoBarrel shares 75% of the adsense revenue with a writer who can also add his/her Chitika and Amazon Associates code to even earn more.
Squidoo Lensmasters (i.e. writers) who publish their lenses (i.e. articles) can earn via ad revenue and affiliate programs from Amazon, eBay and CafePress. A lensmaster will receive 50% of the revenues from affiliate programs, and the earning from ad revenue is derived from a "PayRank scale that is based on each lens's average LensRank and traffic, and the number and quality of lenses in the lensmaster's account." 50% of the total ad revenue is distributed amongst lensmasters, 45% is for squidoo and 5% is contributed to charity. Squidoo's referral program allows a Lensmaster to earn a one time bonus of $5, when the referred person makes their first $15.
Triond writers can submit articles as well as media. Each submission is placed on one of Triond's websites depending on the category in which it falls into. Triond shares 50% of the revenue earned from each contribution with the author. In order to be paid, you have to earn at least $50 and this is typically transferred to your paypal account. The referral program which went public on January 27, 2010 allows writers to earn more revenue. When you refer someone, "you receive 10% of your referrals’ revenue (NOT including Google AdSense) for a lifetime", but as an author you must have had received at least one payment to qualify.
Xomba members can contribute xombytes and xomblurbs (now renamed to bookmarks and articles). Xombytes are articles that are at least 150 words, and xomblurbs are bookmarks including a summary of at least 50 words. Xomba shares 50% of the google adsense revenues from xombytes and xomblurbs with the author. Further earning can come from referrals. A writer will receive 10% of google adsense revenue based on the articles and bookmarks of the referred person. Note that the referred person will still receive 50%.
7 Websites To Write Articles And Earn Revenue 7 Websites To Write Articles And Earn Revenue Reviewed by metricdive on 7:35 AM Rating: 5

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